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Best job portals in Germany to find English-Speaking Jobs

Germany offers numerous opportunities for professionals, but the language barrier can make job hunting challenging for international talents. Fortunately, several job portals are good specifically for English-speaking candidates. In this post, we’ll compare four popular job portals: Stepstone, Indeed, LinkedIn, and CareerBee.de, each offering unique features to support your job search in Germany.   The […]

Job Interviews: Top 7 Mistakes To Avoid in Germany

Job Interview

Job interviews are one of the most stressful parts of the job search. In Germany, where punctuality, precision, and thoroughness are highly valued, the interview process can be especially challenging for international candidates. Even the most qualified professionals can miss opportunities if they make avoidable mistakes. Here are the most common pitfalls during interviews in […]

The Costs of Outplacement Services: A Detailed Analysis

Outplacement Costs

Outplacement services are a valuable benefit that companies offer to employees who are leaving the organization. But what are the costs of such services, and what factors influence these prices? In this blog post, we take a detailed look at the cost factors and show how outplacement services can save costs in a holistic process. […]

Die Kosten einer Outplacement-Beratung: Eine detaillierte Analyse

Outplacement Costs

Outplacement Beratung ist eine wertvolle Dienstleistung, die Unternehmen ihren Mitarbeitern bieten, wenn diese das Unternehmen verlassen. Aber wie hoch sind die Kosten für eine solche Beratung und was beeinflusst diese Preise? In diesem Blogpost werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf die Kostenfaktoren und zeigen auf, wie Outplacement Beratung in einem ganzheitlichen Prozess Kosten sparen kann. […]

Looking for a job in Germany? Check out our services to help you

Welcome! If you’re navigating the job market in Germany, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will introduce you to our premium services designed to help you secure a position in Germany, particularly in the digital sector for business and tech talents. Note: Our expertise is focused on digital roles and does not extend […]

Outplacement – Why is it Important?

Outplacement Beratung

In today’s fast-paced work environment, changes and restructuring within companies are commonplace. These processes often involve difficult decisions, such as layoffs. To ease the transition for employees to a new job and support them during periods of unemployment, many companies turn to outplacement services. This not only cushions the social impact of the decision but […]

Outplacement – Warum ist es wichtig?

Outplacement Beratung

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Arbeitswelt sind Veränderungen und Umstrukturierungen in Unternehmen an der Tagesordnung. Diese Prozesse können oft schwerwiegende Entscheidungen wie Entlassungen mit sich bringen. Um den Mitarbeitern den Übergang zu einem neuen Arbeitsplatz zu erleichtern und sie in der Phase der Arbeitslosigkeit zu begleiten, greifen viele Unternehmen auf Outplacement-Beratungen zurück. Dies dient der sozialen […]

Social Media Recruiting für trivago: Unsere Erfolgsgeschichte

Employer Brand & Social Media Recruiting

Fallstudie: In einer kürzlichen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Social Media Recruiting hat trivago mit unserem Team bei CareerBee zusammengearbeitet, um ihre offenen Stellen zu bewerben und ihre einzigartige Unternehmenskultur hervorzuheben. Durch die Nutzung von CareerBee’s Social-Media-Kanälen, darunter LinkedIn, Instagram und TikTok, haben wir dieses Ziel erreicht. Diese Fallstudie untersucht die Ziele, Strategien, Umsetzung und Ergebnisse dieser […]

Social Media Recruiting: Boosting trivago’s Jobs via Our Channels

Employer Brand & Social Media Recruiting

  Case Study: In a recent social media recruiting collaboration, trivago partnered with our team at CareerBee to promote their open job positions and highlight their unique work culture. By leveraging CareerBee’s social media channels, including LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok, we aimed to increase brand awareness, engagement, and drive job applications for trivago. This case […]